
Re: REQUEST : the Gita Please answer my question.

: I am a Boston University student doing a report on Hinduism. I would
: like to know your thoughts on what a Bhramin priest would make of the
: Bhagavad-Gita. For example, do you think that certain sections of the
: gita (such as when Khrishna says that all of the Bhramin devotion means
: nothing) are in disagreement with the priestly caste? etc.

I don't actually recall the section you're referring to, I will include
an answer to the best of my ability based on that.  Nor am I certain
that's an accurate translation.

First, in India there are two primary groups - those who love tradition
and hold it more dear than the Christians hold John 3:16, and those who
hold no particular emotion to it.  The former group dominates by a _large_

Contrarily, we in America tend to revere independance and rebellion
foremost.  The two psychologies are entirely contrary to each.  When I was
in college, not too long ago, most of my professors were either Vietnam
war protestors or Vietnam war protest sympathizers - they would approach
this question with a definite pre-dispostion.

Like Jaldar said, why don't you read the Bhagvad-Gita and come to your own

Also, you'll want to leave slang out of a question towards non-native
English speakers.  This is in reference "to what would a Bharmin make out
of the Bhagvad-Gita".  Futher, its an insult; what would you make out of
the Bible or Torah - paper airplanes?



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