REQUEST: Info on Holidays in Hinduism
To: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Subject: REQUEST: Info on Holidays in Hinduism
From: opalxtc@aol.com (Opal XTC)
Date: 24 Sep 1996 23:40:27 -0400
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Posted-Date: 24 Sep 1996 23:40:27 -0400
Reply-To: opalxtc@aol.com (Opal XTC)
ReSent-Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 19:02:04 -0400 (EDT)
ReSent-From: SRH Editor <srh@rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu>
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I am doing a project for college on the holidays, rituals, and obsevances
of Hindus. I would greatly appreciate ANY info on :
the Kumbha Mela Festival
Or any other ritual or festival that is important.