NEWS : Swami Bhshyanandaji Passed Away
Swami Bhashyanandaji of Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago
(Ramakrishna Mission)
passed away at 9AM, 4th October, Friday. Religeous Services will be
held at 8PM, 4th October, Friday in the Vivekananda Vedanta Society
in Chicago. Funeral Services will be held at 1PM, Saturday, 5th
October, in
Woodlawn Cemetry,
7600 W. Cermak Road, Forest Park, Illinois.
Phone number of the cemetry: 708-442-8500.
Directions to the Cemetry: Take 290 to Harlem South; take right onto
W. Cermak Road.
For further information call 312-363-0027.
A. Prasad Sistla
Electrical Engg and Computer Science Dept,
University of Illinois at Chicago,
851 South Morgan Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
e-mail: sistla@surya.eecs.uic.edu
Phone: 312-996-8779 (office)