
Re: ARTICLE : conversion ammendment to FAQ

Since the concept of Hinduism as a singular faith really is a product of
circumstance and reaction to the events which enveloped the subcontinent
over the recent centuries, I find any controversy only adds to the
confusion.  My impression of the Sanatana Dharma is that it is a
collection of sects which gradually coallesced into the modern religion
Hinduism in response to the antagon-
istic waves of Christianity and Islam which invaded the subcontinent.  In
response to British colonialism and German scholarism the identity of
Hinduism as a single faith with various subsects came together, and you
see a newfound universalism in Hindu-identified movements like the
RamaKrishna Mission. NonIndians have been entering the Sanatana Dharma for
millenia now, which has contri-
buted to the coallescing of Hinduism, as did the faith's genuis knack for
adapting heterodoxical teachers like the Buddha and Mahavir, as well as
elements of external influ-
ences like sufiism, into its synthesis.  Just a few thoughts, considering
I'm a convert to Hinduism, in its uni-
versalist twentieth century sense
Bliss of Shiva

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