
ARTICLE : Subramuniyaswami on suicide in Hindu families

>From Hinduism Today, December Edition, 
first in our new color magazine format. 
copyright 1996 Himalayan Academy

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Suicide: a Case of Parental Pressures
Guiding through intimidation,
Coercion and abuse doesn't win respect from kids 
by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami 

Teenagers are suffering the pangs of sex, desire and distrust, 
independence and all sorts of other emotions. They are as if ill 
during this time. In Moscow one cold 1990 winter evening, the 
astrophysicist Carl Sagan told me they are poisoned by their own 
hormones. For boys, he called it "testosterone poisoning." This 
observation is nothing new. Over two thousand years ago, the Greek 
philosopher Plato lamented, "What is happening to our young people? 
They disrespect their elders. They disobey their parents. They riot in 
the street, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. 
What is to become of them?" Sound familiar? Parents now, as then, must 
be the mother, father, nurse and doctor. I say that because they are 
as if incapacitated, needing healing and special care. And not 
unimportantly, when a patient is delirious, the nurse does not pay all 
that much attention to the ranting and ravings. Similarly, reason does 
not mean the same thing to you as it does to your teenager. So, be a 
friend. Both parents must talk privately together and work out a 
strategy for the next seven years, from age 13 to 19. It will be over 
in only seven years and all will be well.
Soon, they will be raising their children in the very same way you 
raised yours, with deep appreciation for how you had the patience, the 
willpower, the forbearance and the love-mainly love-to raise them and 
endure their unending stress. Those of you who have children in the 
testosterone and estrogen years, proceed with confidence. Keep smiling 
and keep loving. Keep remembering your teenage years. That may help 
unstress the stress that is daily making you both stronger and 
When you have successfully performed your seven-year tapas of 
stressful fire in bearing up under the strain and pain of the 
teenager, truly you will enjoy great satisfaction and be able to sit 
back and smile. Have compassion and give some leniency, for during 
this time they are all mixed up and emotionally frustrated inside; 
they are, truly they are. They are facing an uncertain future in an 
unsure world, becoming adult, keeping in with their peers, keeping in 
with their parents, striving for excellence in education, facing 
marriage, job, career and community expectations. 
No wonder so many become suicidal, because their parents just don't 
understand and are not there for them at a time when they truly need 
them. Don't let this happen in your family. Please don't. Be a stern 
but loving Mom. Be a strong but understanding Dad. Be a gentle nurse. 
Be a wise doctor. And, most of all, be a good friend-their friend, 
their closest friend-during this tumultuous, turbulent, troublesome 
time called teenage. 
Here is a suicide letter a Malaysian Hindu girl wrote before she 
attempted to end her life at age 18. One of the reasons she cited was 
too much pressure from her parents. Too much verbal abuse and, we can 
assume, physical abuse, starting with pinching, then slapping, leading 
to uncontrolled beatings, as simply a way of life. Is this Hindu 
culture? It threatens to become so.
Dear Mom and Dad: You'll never understand why I did this. Never. In 
your opinion, you always did what was best for me. You always knew 
what was best for me. You always believed I was your naive, 
irresponsible little girl who always needed your hand to hold onto. 
You thought it was necessary to use the sharp edge of your tongue to 
keep me on the "right track."
I never had any say in my own life. Did you realize that that "right 
track" became a psychological prison for me? That your leading hand 
became a set of chains for me? That the sharp side of your tongue got 
to be a barbed wire that was continuously lashing out at me? No, you 
never did. Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe I should have some 
say in what I wanted to do with my life? You decided which college 
would be the right one for me to attend and what academic field I 
should go into. The college, of course, had to be the most prestigious 
and elite one so you could brag to your friends about it. You never 
thought that maybe I wanted something more than school and books, but 
that was never important to you. You only wanted me to achieve 
academically so your friends would be duly impressed. That was the 
same reason that you wanted me to become a doctor. I didn't want 
anything to do with it.
You never realized that maybe I had wanted a social life. To make real 
friends for once in my life. When I told you that, you scoffed at me 
and told me that we Indians were so much superior that we didn't need 
to deal with "them." There was never anything in my life that you let 
me have any control over. When I finally met someone who meant 
something to me, you two couldn't handle the fact that maybe someday I 
would learn to control my own life and rid myself of your 
manipulations. So, then you decided who it was that I was going to see 
and who it was that I didn't. You forced me to break the first real 
relationship that I ever had in my life. I was constantly harassed by 
you about him. You told me that I was disgracing the family name. 
"…what would everyone say?" You destroyed everything for me. 
This "relationship" between us is nothing but a farce. And there is no 
reason to continue it. I have searched for some way to escape you, but 
I have come up empty handed. Now you must live with this guilt. I hope 
you will never be able to forgive yourself.
She lived through this ordeal. In contacting our editors, she 
testified that she now knows suicide is not the way out and allowed 
the publishing of this very personal letter with the hope that her 
battle with suicide would help others-parents and children-deal better 
with problems before they reach hopelessness.	

Let Harmony Reign
Discord among members of a family is the most devastating force in the 
world. This fact was no secret to wise ones thousands of years ago, as 
the following verses from the Vedas record.

"Of one heart and mind I make you, devoid of hate. Love one another as 
a cow loves the calf she has borne. Let the son be courteous to his 
father, of one mind with his mother. Let the wife speak words that are 
gentle and sweet to her husband. Never may brother hate brother or 
sister hurt sister. United in heart and purpose, commune sweetly 
together. I will utter a prayer for such concord among family members 
as binds together the Gods, among whom is no hatred. Be courteous, 
planning and working in harness together. Approach conversing 
pleasantly, like-minded, united."
Atharva Veda Samhita 3.30.1-5
"O man and woman, having acquired knowledge from the learned, proclaim 
amongst the wise the fact of your intentions of entering the married 
life. Attain to fame, observing the noble virtue of nonviolence, and 
uplift your soul. Shun crookedness. Converse together happily. Living 
in a peaceful home, spoil not your life. Spoil not your progeny. In 
this world, pass your life happily, on this wide earth full of 
Shukla Yajur Veda Samhita 5.17

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