Re: REQUEST : the Gita Please answer my question.
Rachel Pasternak <rpaster@bu.edu> wrote:
>I am a Boston University student doing a report on Hinduism. I would
>like to know your thoughts on what a Bhramin priest would make of the
>Bhagavad-Gita. For example, do you think that certain sections of the
>gita (such as when Khrishna says that all of the Bhramin devotion means
>nothing) are in disagreement with the priestly caste? etc.
>Please e-mail me back at rpaster@bu.edu. I need an answer within a
>Thank you!
Dear Rachel,
Please post the the specific discourse and sloka ("verse") from the
Bhagavad Gita that you are referring to and the translation (author).
This scripture is a very complex spiritual texts which cannot be
understood properly by most ordinary people in only one reading so do not
get frustrated if it sems difficult. Many Hindus spend their whole lives
studying and reading the Gita and attend Gita classes. You might
compare this to the way Christians study the Bible, memorize verses, and
go to Church services to more clearly grasp the Bible's teachings. The
great message of the Gita is that anyone can achieve God-conscious
regardless of social status if you practice if you develop non-attachment
to the fruits of deeds. In other words, action does not lead to rebirth,
but attachment to the outcome of an action does. By dedicating all of
you actions to Lord Krishna this is possible. This is open to all
classes so I am unsure of what you mean by Krishna not caring for Brahman
devotion. Since you are at a college why don't you try contacting a
Hindu student organization there. I attend a college that has weekly
Gita classes. Having someone to discuss the Gita with in person would be
helpful. Good luck on you paper!