
ARTICLE : Deepaavalee Greetings, Jyotish Chart

Deepaavalee Greetings!
The designated day of Mahaalaksmee Poojaa is Sunday, November
10, 1996, while according to one set of calculations, the moment
of Amaavasya occurs at the time and date listed below with
respect to Delhi:
Monday, November 11, 1996 at 9:49:52 a.m., Delhi, Bharat
The planetary positions at that moment are as follows:
Lagn,      d  m  s  Rashi       Nakshatr  Dev   Pada  Gati   
Ascendant  6 23 24  Sagittarius Mool      Ketu    2    -
      Sun 25 15 27  Libra       Vaishakh  Jupiter 2   1.00
     Moon 25 15 27  Libra       Vaishakh  Jupiter 2   1.04
     Mars 12 39 03  Leo         Maagh     Ketu    4   0.98
  Mercury  0 43 50  Scorpio     Vaishakh  Jupiter 4   1.54
  Jupiter 20 43 05  Sagittarius P. Ashadh Venus   3   2.13
    Venus 21 36 27  Virgo       Hasta     Moon    4   1.22
   Saturn  7 13 37r Pisces      U. Bhadr. Saturn  2  -1.14
     Rahu 13 34 19r Virgo       Hasta     Moon    2  -2.10
     Ketu 13 34 19r Pisces      U. Bhadr. Saturn  4  -2.10
*4th Pisces     *5th Aries      *6th Taurus     *7th Gemini     *
*Saturn r  7d14m*               *               *               *
*  Ketu r 13d34m*               *               *               *
*3rd Aquarius   *                               *8th Cancer     *
*               *                               *               *
*               *          Rashi Chakr          *               *
*****************              for              *****************
*2nd Capricorn  *          Deepaavalee          *9th Leo        *
*               *             Delhi             *    Mars 12d39m*
*               * November 11, 1996, 9:49:52 am *               *
*1st Sagittarius*12th Scorpio   *11th Libra     *10th Virgo     *
*    Lagn  6d23m*  Mercury 0d44m*     Sun 25d15m*  Rahu r 13d34m*
* Jupiter 20d43m*               *    Moon 25d15m*   Venus 21d36m*
A Rashi is the 1/12th division of the sidereal zodiac, and a
Nakshatr is the 1/27th division of which a Pada is the 1/4th.
Jai Maharaj           jai@aloha.com jai@eskimo.com jai@mantra.com
%:%:%  Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer %:%:%:%:%:%:%:% Om Shanti %:%:%

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