
Re: ARTICLE : Becoming Hindu

Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:
> In article <ghenE0D0wB.FLv@netcom.com>,
> "janahan (j.) skandaraniyam" <skandar@nortel.ca> writes:
> |> Shrisha Rao wrote:
> |>
> |> > The first is possible (and has already been dealt with in extensive
> |> > detail on the Dvaita list)
> |>                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> |> Oh, that explains it all. You wouldn't happen
> |> to be a member of ISKCON would you?
> Oddly enough (or perhaps not oddly at all), it seems that you have
> not bothered to familiarize yourself at all with the topic at hand
> before making snippy little comments here and there.

Actually, you are not very familiar with me. My above statements
were supposed to be sarcastic and aimed precisely at the arguments
going on in the SRV newsgroup. I am sorry if you didn't
interpret them as such. 

> The Dvaita list isn't at all associated with ISKCON, but anyone
> who's been reading either SRV or SRH for the past few months would
> have known that.

Yes, anyone. 

> So, given that you've been questioning others' actions and asking
> if they're dharmic, etc., etc., I have a question for you - is
> your being ill-informed and attacking others without a cursory
> understanding of the discussion an example of dharmic or adharmic
> activity?

Well, your question now becomes invalid because I am not ill-informed
and I was not attacking anyone. But, I have a question personally 
directed at you - What is your opinion about the civility of the
discussions over the past months in the SRV group? e.g, the use
of statements like "I would like to beat you on your chest", etc..
Do you think this is Vaishnavite-like? The expression of LOVE at
its best?


PS. If you still think that I am ill-informed and trying
    to coverup, ask Michael Tandy about it. I have had
    email discussions with him about the arguments going on in 
    the SRV ng.

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