Re: NEWS : Sri Lankan president accepts her anti-Hindu stance.
Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> GDurgadas <gdurgadas@aol.com> wrote in article
> <ghenE0qtqv.1An@netcom.com>...
> > As I a Hindu I also revere the Blessed One, as
> > both a profound rishi and an avatar of Lord Vishnu, and will soon have a
> > Buddhist niece-in-law, so such comments I consider adharmic according to
> > the ethos of the Sanatana Dharma that includes both faiths.
> There is nothing Hindu about the views expressed above. While Buddha is
> considered an avatar of Vishnu Bhagawan he is hardly considered a "profound
> rishi." On the contrary his mission was to delude the Asuras into giving
> up Dharma.
> And Sanatana Dharma hardly includes Buddhism. No Budhhist from Siddhartha
> Gautama on down has ever refered to Buddhism as Sanatana Dharma. This is a
For that matter, only in the last 2 centuries, our religion is being
referred as "sanatana Dharma". Otherwise it was just a collection
of many religions with common principles.
> term that describes Hinduism only. And proponents of Sanatana Dharma have
> always considered Buddhism to be one of the foremost of the nastika or
> heretical philosophies.
Not really. The philosophies like "Sankhya", which are almost same
as the Buddhist philosophy come under the "Shad-darshanas" (6 Systems of
Philosophies) of Hindu Dharma. It's true that Buddha and his doctrines
were not respected as much as the Vedas by Classical Hindus.
You'll be surprised to know that some of the Budhdhist texts accept
some parts of Shruti (vedas) as authority and brand some other parts
(ie. the ones dealing with sacrifices etc.) as "himsaka-shruthis". So
conceptually Budhdhism becomes a branch of Hinduism.
The later Vaishnava acharyas included Buddha as one of the avatars of
Vishnu, after pulling out "Krishna" from the list and declaring him
as the Supreme Lord. So thru' that tradition also Budhdhism becomes
a part of Hinduism.
And the most recent Acharyas of Hinduism, like Vivekananda, Aurobindo
etc. proclaimed Budhdhism as a branch of Hinduism. Vishwas Hindu
Parishad, while defining the word "Hindu", mentioned that all faiths
which originated in India are "Hindu" and by that Budhdhism, Jainism
and Sikhism come under Hindu Dharma.
-Sankara Narayanan
> It would be so nice if everyone got along but wishful thinking isn't going
> to make it happen. In fact it is precisely this type of blase disregard
> for the facts which is at the root of bigotry.
Disclaimer : My opinions do not involve my employer ;->