
Re: NEWS : Sri Lankan president accepts her anti-Hindu stance.

"Jaldhar H. Vyas" <jaldhar@braincells.com> wrote:
> There is nothing Hindu about the views expressed above.  While Buddha is
> considered an avatar of Vishnu Bhagawan he is hardly considered a "profound
> rishi."

Although I agree with Jaldhar about the status of Buddha, I have to
note that some Hindu groups do consider Buddhism to be Hindu --
for example, this is what the HSC info pamhplet I recently received
said. This would, of course, make the majority of Thais, Burmese,
Cambodians, Vietnamese, Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, etc. Hindu. I
don't think that's what the RSS had in mind, but hey, we could then
claim most of Asia as Akhandh Bharat...

> And Sanatana Dharma hardly includes Buddhism.  No Budhhist from Siddhartha
> Gautama on down has ever refered to Buddhism as Sanatana Dharma. 

On the contrary, the Pali canon very clearly speaks of "sanantana
dhamma". I can dig up the refs for you if you're interested,
but it may take a while.

> And proponents of Sanatana Dharma have
> always considered Buddhism to be one of the foremost of the nastika or
> heretical philosophies.

This is also true, but I suppose it should be "first among equals"
rather than foremost; Jains seem to be equally disregarded in
traditional commentary, HSC-type claims notwithstanding.

-- Vijay

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