
Re: ARTICLE : Becoming Hindu

In article <ghenE04pt9.1qr@netcom.com>, skandar@nortel.ca says...
>mpt0002@jove.acs.unt.edu (Michael Tandy) wrote:
>>       Therefore you'll need to explain the term "Sanatana-dharma."
>What is there to explain? 
	"Sanatana-dharma" indicates the eternal nature of dharma.
	The sastra states that the jivas are eternal, and that their 
	activities vis-a-vis the Supreme Lord are also eternal. This
	is called sanatana-dharma, and is popularly known as Krsna 
	conciousness, the param dharma. You've stated that dharma
	is not absolute, which is only partially true. Relative
	dharma may be discarded when its purpose has been served, 
	but that is not to say that the ultimate and most essential 	
	principle of dharma isn't absolute--"dharmam tu saksad bhagavat
	pranitam." Whatever Bhagavan orders, that is dharma, and all
	livings must obey it. Every jiva is thus like a cow led by a rope 
	bound to a ring through her nose. For a conditionewd jiva, this 
	essential principle of service to the Lord is the active principle 
	(which is absolute) within any given sva-dharma (which is relative). 
	For the liberated jiva, it is the highest pleasure. Ignoring this, 
	one exercises one's limited freedom and in effect simply chooses 
	to suffer. 

	Hare Krsna,

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