Re: ADMINISTRIVIA : Long List of Newsgroups
In the article <ghenE130rw.7Gr@netcom.com>,
of Mon, 18 Nov 1996 19:57:32 UTC,
aq974@lafn.org (Bon Giovanni) wrote:
> . . . However, my point is that xposted articles sent
> to ukrh MAY be cancelled by that admin, if they do
> not match his views. Hence it may not be wise to
> xpost anything to that site.
On the contrary, I feel that the act of forge-canceling
others' posts based on differing opinion is net-
terrorism to which the brave need not succumb. The
recommendation is that Hinduism articles continue to be
posted in the uk.religion.hindu newsgroup.
Jai Maharaj jai@aloha.com jai@mantra.com
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% Om Shanti %:%:%