Re: REQUEST : Qs concerning the MahAbhArat
In article <ghenE0qtqp.18z@netcom.com>, aiycee@aol.com says...
> I have a few questions on the MahAbhArat to which I haven't found a
>satisfactory answer:.
I'm not sure if your qns have been answered already or not, but here goes (BTW,
this is also the first time I'm posting on this group):
>1. Why doesn't Arjuna receive Moksha?
> Although Bheeshma PitAmaha (understandably) and DhrtrAshtra
>(not-so-understandably) receive Moksha, Arjuna merely attains Swarga after
>his death. Arjuna was Shree Krshna's inalienable Bhakta and shishya, had
>seen the Vishwaroopa, did his Karma without attachment -- surely he
>deserved better?
>Similarly, why does Kamsa receive Moksha? He thought about Vishnu only
>very negatively.
Those who were killed in battle automatically go to heaven (Kamsa, Duryodhana).
Those who meditate on God at the moment of death also go to heaven (Bhishma
reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama, Dhritarashtra before being consumed in the forest fire).
Arjuna and the remaining four along with Draupadi renounce the throne in favor
of Parikshit and go to the mountains to live out their last days. On the way, each one
falls down from the heights and dies - Yudhishtra marching on unmarked by grief,
says when Arjuna falls down that he was too proud of his skills as an archer. When
they meet in hell they're told that they suffered for their sins and later are restored
to heaven. I'm not clear if Moksha=heaven or whether hell implies the traditional
christian notion of boiling cauldrons of oil etc.
>2. What was Shree Krshna's complexion?
> He has been described as both "ShyAm" (the color of rain-bearing
>clouds) and "Neel", the Blue God. What was his actual complexion?
Whatever it may have been, it has been portrayed in every shade ranging
from black to sky blue.
>3. Somewhere in the MahAbhArat it is said that many sages actually look
>forward to the Kali Yuga. Why is this so?
not a clue.
Kishore Krshna
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