Re: ARTICLE : Becoming Hindu
In article <ghenE0D0w4.FKI@netcom.com>, skandar@nortel.ca says...
mpt says--
>> You've stated that dharma
>> is not absolute, which is only partially true. Relative
>> dharma may be discarded when its purpose has been served,
>It was this "Relative dharma" that I was addressing since it has common
>grounds in all schools of Vedantic thought. The concept of eternal service
>belongs to the Vishishtadvaita, and Dvaita schools, but not
>to the Advaita school.
As I've pointed out before, it is not only the Dvaita and
Visistadvaita schools that adore the Lord eternally--it is also
the Suddhaadvaita and Dvaitaadvaita, as well as the Acintya-
bhedaabheda schools--in short, virtually every major
Vedanta school wholeheartedly accepts the ideal of eternal
loving service, except Sankara, who is thus in the minority
Hare Krsna,