Re: Dasa Avtatara
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Dasa Avtatara
From: cramarao@neuron.uchc.edu (C S Ramarao)
Date: 9 Feb 1996 15:21:36 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Univ of CT Health Center
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In article <4fbmqi$9qn@babbage.ece.uc.edu>
ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu (N. Tiwari) writes: How is it possible that
Balaramaand Krishna, who were in same yuga, be avtaras of Vishnu?
There has always been a haze about which ten are the dasa avatArs.
Most people count budha as one. So you have
1=matsya 2= kUrma 3=varAha 4= vAmana 5=narasimha 6= parasurAma 7= rAma
8= krishNa 9= budha and 10= kalki.
in this plan of things it suffices that balarAma is the incarnAtion of
the AdisEshu (the seperent). However, if you discard budha and include
balarAma, the problem exists how can the god be in two avatArs at same
time? Still there was a confrontation between rAma and parasurAma over
the breaking of the sivA's bow and two different avatArs did com eface
to face.
on a related note, one tyAgarAja kriti in the rAga bhUpAlam
'dInajanAvana srI rAmA' lists both balarAma and budha and in effect it
mentions eleven avatArs.