
Re: Apu from the Quik-E-Mart

Confucius (hell!god@uunet.uu.net) wrote:
: On the smash hit TV show The Simpsons, is Apu a hindu?

I don't remember Apu ever stating explicitly, "I am a Hindu."  However, I 
can think of at least five facts which suggest that he may be:

1.  He was apparently connected to the Maharishi's crowd in India in the 
late 1960s, where he met Paul McCartney.  (From the episode in which Lisa 
becomes a vegetarian.)

2.  He is a strict vegetarian.  (From the same episode.)

3.  He once visited the guru of all Kwik-E-Marts on a mountain in the 
Himalayas -- the guru looked a lot like Swami Satchidananda, and was 
dressed in a habit similar to the Saraswati Order.  (From the episode 
where Homer works at Kwik-E-Mart.)

4.  He has a puja for Lord Ganesh in his store.  (This is the episode 
where Homer meets God.  Interestingly, this episode marked the 
beginning of a series of non-coincidences in my life, which resulted 
in my finding my own teachers several months later.  The Lord of 
Beginnings, indeed!)

5.  In last night's episode (involving the death of Krusty the Clown), 
Apu reacts to a loud noise by exclaiming "Shiva H. Vishnu!"

While the ethnic humor can sometimes be a little heavy-handed (as in 
example #5 above), all in all, "The Simpsons" has a very accepting and 
tolerant attitude toward Apu's beliefs.  Over the years, the character 
has developed far beyond the stereotyped Indian convenience-store owner, 
and Apu's character has been the vehicle for serious discussions of 
religious tolerance, vegetarianism, cultural differences, etc.

I truly enjoy "The Simpsons".  It is satirical without being cruel, 
irreverent without being cynical, and it affirms positive human 
relationships without being sappy or overdoing the "Awwww!" factor.  It's 
a shame that many people have dismissed it without giving it a chance.  
It's probably the best comedy series on TV.

(NOTE: When replying by e-mail, please state "KATHLEEN" in the subject 
line, if possible.  Thanks!)

*    Don't be afraid    |                           |   Love is a key   *
*   of tomorrow.  God   |      Kathleen Otley       |    that fits a    *
*   is already there.   |   "The Paisley Ranger"    |   million locks.  * 
*         -----         |    mcguffin@ssnet.com     |       -----       *
*  Sw. Chidvilasananda  |                           |    The Monkees    *
* Opinions expressed in this message are strictly those of the Paisley  *
* Ranger, and are not necessarily the opinions of Matthew McGuffin!!!!  *

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