Re: Dasa Avtatara
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: Dasa Avtatara
From: cramarao@neuron.uchc.edu (C S Ramarao)
Date: 14 Feb 1996 14:46:42 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: Univ of CT Health Center
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I do not think that there is any scriptural basis to say that BalrAm
was an avtar of Vishnu.
I thought I was clarifying an earlier question posed by some gentleman
as to how balarAma and krishNa can both be avatArs of vishNu at the
same time, and offered my two cents worth. I am not an educated man
when it comes to scriptures, and can not vouch if there is a basis for
the assumption or not. The bottomline now seems to be that balarAm is
the incarnation of AdisEshu. I think a similar scenario existed with
rAma avatAr when AdisEshu became lakshmaNa and the conch shell and
cakra became the two other brothers of rAma.
all said and done, I did not undestand mr tiwArI's clarification.