Pashus, Viras, Divyas & Gunas
I've been reading about the Tantric tradition, and I'm interested in
the three categories of humanity: pashubhava, virabhava and divyabhava.
Is there, in at least some texts, a correspondence between these
three stages or categories and the three gunas - tamas, rajas and
sattva? Is the Vira an intermediate stage between the pashu and
the divya?
Recommend any good books on this subject, or Tantra in
I'm trying to write an article comparing these three categories
with three similiar sounding stages in Xtian Gnosticism - the hylic,
psychic and the gnostic (or pneumatic). I understand others have covered
this - anyone familiar with this literature? Woodroffe's Tantra of the
Great Liberation mentions that Richard Garbe mentioned this correspondence
in "The Philosophy of Ancient India" - anyone familiar with Garbe?