
Re: Ramakrishna

sankstone shannon kay <sankston@ux5.cso.uiuc.edu> wrote:

>I would like to study Ramakrishna and Vivekanada's (spelling?) teachings, 
>and I was wondering if anyone knows of any collected works.  Thanks, and 
>please email me at sankston@students.uiuc.edu

You could contact any of the Ramakrishna Mission centers. I see that you are
from UIUC. The best thing to do would be to go to the Ramakrishna Mission center
in Chicago. They have a good selection of books. 

You might be interested in

1. The collected works of Vivekananda.
2. Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam (contains the dialogues between Ramakrishna and
   various devotees, an excellent book IMO).

Apart from this there are compilations from the collected works of Vivekananda.
These come in titles like Jnana Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga, Karma Yoga etc. These might
be more useful if you are a beginner and interested in the particular views of
Vivekananda on various topics. The collected works is kind of eclectic and
quite voluminous. I think there are about 10 volumes.

The address:

*  V. Vedanta Society Book Shop
*  5423, S. Hyde Park Blvd.
*  Chicago, IL  60616
*  Tel. (312) 363-0027

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