
Re: Why can't Hindus eat beef?

In an article about >Re: Why can't Hindus eat beef?< Narahari Achar, B. N.
<acharb@msuvx2.memphis.edu> wrote:
>shiinw@pi.net wrote:
>>In article <4fecs7$7k1@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, <kvenkata@cse.unsw.edu.au>
>>> >
>>> > I'm Hindu (not a good Hindu, though).
>>> > I was asked by my friend if Veda explisitly mentions that Hindu may not
>>> > eat beef. I couldn't answer that question, because I really don't know.
>>> > Does somebody know the answer? If so, could you write the explanation
>>> > for me?
>>> >
>>>   As far I know, the Rig Veda, in one of it's many stanzas clearly
>>> prohibits the killing of cows stating that killing a cow is equivalent
>>> to killing a Brahmin.
>>That knowledge is not good enough sir, as a little knowledge is
>>a dangerous thing.
>>I can, if you want give you a photocopy from a veda, that clearly
>>Beef must be eaten at weddings

>Hello, here are the references  for not killing the cow:
>In the Vedas the cow is called "aghnya", "not to be killed"

>"duhAmashvibhyAm pago aghneyam sA vardhatAM mahate saubhagAya"
>-Rig Veda 1.164.27
>It means" may this inviolable cow yield milk for both the Asvins and may
>she prosper for our good fortune"

>"gAm mA hiMsIraditaM virAjam" Yaj. Veda 13.42
>"The cow is illustrious and inviolable. Do not kill her"

>"priyaH pashUnAm bhUyAsam" Ath. Veda 17.1.4
>"May I be dear to all animals"

>The vedas have always proclaimed "ahimsA paramo dharmaH" There is no
>question about not killing the cows. It is a distortion to say that beef
>be served at weddings.

>I have any number of references from grihya sutras and puranas all of
>which prohibit the killing of cows. Sincerely yours,
>-Narahari Achar

Hi, I didn't want to enter this discussion, but I just had to :

isn't it so that it is not allowed to kill anyway, so that would
include killing a cow, but also anything else living ?

(e.g. even if you eat vegetarian you should ask for forgiveness and offer
the food to God ?)


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