

Enclosed is a brief introduction to dasashlokii and transliterated 
dashashlokii. This can be found in .itx and .ps format for printing
in devangari script at
	ftp:// jaguar.cs.utah.edu/private/sanskrit/dashashlokii.itx or
	Please forward all corrections to me,

	Shrii Shankara sums up the essence of Vedanta in dasashlokii.  He
states that Only Atman Is while the world of names, form and various
manifestations are just maya. He goes on to say that Atman is same as the
supreme Brahman. Shankara also emphasises, as do upanishhads that the man
who realizes aatma ALONE transcends worldly sorrow (tarati shokaM

	After writing a wonderful commentary on Gaudapada's karika on
maaNDukya upanishhad, and upadesahasri {in my humble opinion, the best
philosophical work of Shankara}, many scholars consider dashashlokii to be
the last pronouncement of Shankara on the non-dual nature of Atman. In a
very simple way using just 10 verses, Shankara expounds on the nature of
Atman -- the attributeless Truth, indestructible, and the very basis of
supreme bliss and purity. 

	The words of Swami Gambhirananda sums up the significance of the
sloka, `This text deals with the nature of Atman in the clearest and
simplest language. There is not a single word which is superflous, and the
teacher [Shankara] is at this best; the arrow of knowledge is aimed at
ignorance and it hits the target directly, destroying the enemy.' 

	May Shrii Shankara leads us from ignorance to Truth by helping
us realize the aatman.

AUM tat sat.

na bhuumirna toyaM na tejo na vaayuH
na khaM nendriyaM vaa na teshhaaM samuuhaH .
anekaantikatvaat.h sushhuptyekasiddaH
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 1..

na varNaa na varNaashramaachaaradharmaa 
na me dhaaraNaadhyaanayogaadayopi
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 2..

na maataa pitaa vaa na devaa na lokaa
na vedaa na yaGYA na tiirtha bruvanti .
sushhaptau nirastaatishuunyaatmakatvaat.h
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 3..

na saaMravyaM na shaivaM na tatpaaJNcharaatraM
na jainaM na miimaaMsakaadermataM vaa .
vishishhTanubhuutyaa vishuddhaatmakatvaat.h
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 4..

na chodhrva na chaadho na chaantarna baahyaM
na madhyaM na tiryaN^a na puurvaa.aparaa dik.h .
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 5..

na shuklaM na kR^ishhNaM na raktaM na piitaM
na kubjaM na piinaM na hnasvaM na diirgham.h .
aruupaM tathaa jyotiraakaarakatvaat.h
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 6..
na shaastaa na shaastraM na shishhyo na shikshaa
na cha tvaM na chaahaM na chaayaM prapaJNchaH .
svaruupaavabodho vikalpaasahishhNuH
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 7..

na jaagran.h na me svaNnako vaa sushhuNtiH
na vishavau na vaa taijasaH praaGYako vaa .
avidyaatmakatvaat.h trayaaNaM turiiyaH
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 8..

api vyaapakatvaat.h hitatvaprayogaat.h
svataH siddhabhaavaadananyaashrayatvaat.h .
jagat.h tuchchhametat.h samastaM tadanyat.h
tadeko.avashishhTaH shivaH kevalo.aham.h .. 9..

na chaikaM tadanyad.h dvitiiyaM kutaH syaat.h
na kevalatvaM na chaa.akevalatvam.h .
na shunyaM na chaashuunyamadvaitakatvaat.h
kathaM sarvavedaantasiddhaM braviimi .. 10..

 .. iti shriimad.h sha.nkaraachaaryavirachitaM dashashlokii
samaaptaM ..
{The opinions expressed above are mine and not that of my employers}
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brahma satyaM, jagat mithya, jivo brahmaivana paraH - Adi Shankara
'I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details' -- Albert Einstein 

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