Re: Hare Krishna Mahamantra
In article <4eneeb$b9b@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, <sghosh@iitk.ernet.in> wrote:
>>From Eswar Josyula ( josyule@fim1.fim.wpafb.af.mil ) :-
>The following is written by my father, the words in parenthesis are
> Kalisantarona upanishad version (which starts with Hare Rama..) is
>called Taaraka Brahma Mahamantra. The word "Rama" in its first line
>refers to Rama, the son of Dasaratha.
Thanks for posting this. when i watched Hare Krishnas chanting this,
i always had a feeling that i heard in south india the other way,
that is, with Hare Raama coming first. May be i was not in error.
just a curiosity question, but without intention to initiate
hindi-no-hindi debate, is there a way to communicate this Hare
krishna mahaa manthra in hindi (non just in devanagari/sanskrit
etc. my understanding is that even though hindi uses devanaagari,
the pronounciation is different in hindi), without making errors?
In another thread on why manthras should not be conveyed over
internet, but should be obtained from a guru, the importance
of exact and correct recitation was emphasised.
Now, my understanding is that, in hindi, Raama becomes Raam,
and Krishna becomes Krishn. And the influence of hindi can
be seen in the chaning of the manthra by many devotees/singers.