
What is a miracle?

During his 70th birthday celebrations last November, when asked what
could be done for him, Sai Baba is reported to have said, 'You should
not do anything for me. You may do anything you desire for the sake of
the people, the society and the poor. Undertake projects of permanent

Inspired by this, Dr J Jegathesan, advisor to the Sathya Sai Central
Council of Malaysia initiated a project called Social Action
Initiative (SAI) to alleviate the sufferings of the hardcore poor by
permanently repairing their dilapidated homes.

Jegathesan said, 'Members kept asking me where the funds were coming
from. To me the answer was simple. Just ask: is it a noble project and
is my motive pure? If you can answer yes to both, just go ahead and
start. God will provide.'

Many may sneer at events that Jegathesan sees as miracles but the fact
remains that so many projects have been successfully completed. And
for each project, help came from unexpected sources. From repairing
homes, the project has expanded to include providing surgery,
wheelchairs, artificial limbs, dentures and scholarships.

God is wherever one chooses to see him. I don't imagine that God cares
what name one chooses to address Him by. Nor would He be impressed
that one successfully argued a case about the correctness or otherwise
of a historical text. Such intellectual endeavours may in fact only
serve to cloud one's inner vision.

God is a personal phenomenon. A Gnana Yogi may seek his God through
his intellect. But if he focusses his effort in arguing with others,
perhaps he is no longer seeking God. Because I cannot imagine that one
would find his God by proving that someone else is wrong. God is Love.

These are just my personal opinions. If they are silly ramblings, just
hit your 'delete' button. If I have offended you, my humble apologies.

Peace and blessings.

   SV Singam
Minden, Penang

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