

jane smith (jsmith@skidmore.EDU) wrote:
: Lots of different religions and cultures have flood stories in their 
: mytholgy (ie Christianity, Egyptian, Sumerian, etc).  Does anyone know 
: if there is a flood story in Hindu mythology?  What is the story about 
: (ie people, gods involved, events, etc...).  Please post any response - 
: do not email me!!!! Thanks a bunch.   JANIE
: -- 

There are several stories in Hindu epics which involve floods. The 
ones which are closest to the Semitics stories are those that involve
Manu (the first Man on this Earth). That reminds me of Prasad's Kamaayani
which says somewhere on the very first page (the book is about Manu
and his involvement with Srddhaa and Ida). It says:

"upar jal thaa, neechey jal thaa".
(There was water all around).

Then there are several other stories. 

1. We have the Matsya Avatar of Vishnu, where he saves all the creatures
   of earth, by towing a boat (Vishnu is the fish in this incarnation)
   in which all the creatures and a sage are present, for several days
   and nights.

2. Then there is story of Krsna, where his father had to cross Yamuna
   (which was flooded) to move Krsna from jail, to the house of Nanda.

3. Then we have the story of Shukar Avatar, where Vishnu, in form of
   boar rescued the Earth, from depths of oceans.



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