
Re: Marriage between Hindu and Muslim

Veloshnee Govender (govenv@med.und.ac.za) wrote:

: A very good friend of mine is in a relationship with a Muslim and she is 
: Hindu.  She would have posted this article herself but unfortunately she 
: does not have access to a computer.  I am sure that anyone who has been 
: involoved in such a relationship can understand her present dilemma.

: I know both her and her boyfriend very well since we studied at the same 
: univerity together.  They are very committed to one another and a 
: relationship like their's is very rare to find.  At times I find myself 
: envying what they have together.

: They would like to get married but according to Islam she would have to 
: convert.  Since she is very committed to Hinduism, conversion to Islam is 
: not an option that she is willing to consider.  Is it possible for them to 
: marry without either one of them converting???  Can such a marriage work???

>From an Islamic perspective, the answer is a big NO. Conversion
to Islam IS a pre-requisite to an Islamic marriage. The human
spirit occasionally gets over that requirement though.

Nachiketa Tiwari

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