
Moderator Incompetence (was Re: Animal killing and Soul merging condemned)

In article <4gd7da$qiu@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
   Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:

>>I am eagerly awaiting your commentary on the aformentioned poetic
>>composition. And yes, this is a serious request.

Actually, this was a request for the moderator, Mr. Ajay Shah. It was not 
intended for you. I am still waiting for Ajay's version. But meanwhile, I will 
 answer yours.

>"It has EXACTLY the same relevance to Hindu Dharma as your gratuitous comment 
>   'Sigh! I thought human beings had evolved out of this chest-beating stage
>   thousands of years ago'
>You could have poked fun at specific things in Advaita and I would have 
>your laughter. Instead you chose to indulge in personal attacks, albeit in a
>humorous way. So I saw it fit to respond in the same manner. 

And if you will recall, my comment about your "chest beating" was in response 
to a certain set of personal attacks on your part. Unfortunately, due to the 
utter incompetence with which the SRH archives are being maintained (the 
January folder has not even been set up yet), I cannot pull out the exact 
quotes of yours from the relevant message. However, I very clearly remember 
you stating that the beliefs held by the Gaudiya acharyas regarding Sankara's 
identity were 'absurd,' 'utter tripe,' etc etc. At least if you had given some 
kind of argument in that posting, it might have been taken as a well thought 
out reponse. Rather, all you did was vent out your frustrations. It was a 
clear example of a personal attack. 

All I wanted to
>say was that the Satha Rudra Samhita has no verses talking about the
>incarnation of Shankara. I framed it in the same way you framed your "chest
>beating" comment. The only difference is that my poem was longer than your

DEAR AJAY SHAH: Please take note. Mr. Balasubramanian has now *admitted* that 
his long lyrical composition was in effect an extended personal attack. Are 
you going to admit that it was wrong of you to post it? Or are you going to 
play the blind man and still insist that there was no personal attack there, 
even though Ramakrishnan has explicitly stated that "I framed it in the same 
way as your... The only difference is that my poem was longer than your 

A good moderator would admit that he made a mistake, apologize publicly, and 
then remove the offensive post from the archives. A bad moderator, by 
contrast, allows several rounds of personal attacks to be aired, and then 
arbitrarily decides at a certain point that no more will be allowed under the 
premise that he only just *then* saw a personal attack. 

I believe that Mr. Shah's problem is that he does not carefully screen all 
posts for personal attacks. As a result, when he sees that a thread becomes 
heated, he starts excercising his moderator privileges, all the while claiming 
that he saw no personal attacks in the articles he allowed for posting prior 
to that point. This case is a perfect example. In an earlier post on the same 
thread, Ramakrishnan wrote an extensive commentary that was nothing more than 
a personal attack against myself. However, Mr. Shah approved it for posting, 
stating privately to me that he saw no personal attack within it. But now, 
Ramakrishnan has admitted that it was in fact a personal attack. Now, what 
will Ajay do? Will he swallow his pride and admit his mistake? Or will he go 
on pretending that he did nothing wrong? My experience with him tells me that 
he will opt for the latter.

When I wrote to Ajay about why he accepted personal attacks for posting during 
the earlier part of this thread, I stated that this delayed use of censorship 
privileges made him inconsistent in his treatment of personal attacks. 
However, in typical Ajay Shah style, he misunderstood what I was saying and 
pleaded that "I do not think that I have been inconsistent in rejecting 
articles. After all, articles on both the sides on this debate were rejected 
yesterday. I show absolutely no bias." In other words, he assumed that because 
he rejected another article by Ramakrishnan, that he was therefore in the 
clear. But that was NOT the point. The point is, the moderator of a newsgroup 
can't allow one person to make heated, provocative, personal attacks, and then 
prevent another person from responding in kind. The moderator of newsgroup has 
a responsibility to STOP personal attacks before they start. Much of the 
articles in this thread, starting with Ramakrishnan's eloquent statements to 
the effect that the Gaudiya beliefs were 'absurd' and 'utter tripe,' (with no 
support whatsoever) should have been rejected as personal attacks. The only 
reason arguments get heated in the first place is because the moderator does 
not diligently pay attention to the posts he approves on SRH. 

Interestingly enough, the article of Ramakrishnan's which Ajay told me 
he rejected for personal attacks (he told me this to try to prove to me that 
he really was a good moderator after all) was a response to my posting "What 
is Maayaavaadam?" Guess what? The response which was alleged to have been 
rejected made it to SRH. And sure enough, it was full of arrogant remarks and 
clear-cut personal attacks. 

So why am I bringing this up? Ultimately, Ajay Shah won't change. Whenever 
challenged, he always asserts his innocence. More often than not he 
misunderstands the criticisms being made against him(or pretends to 
misunderstand). This has been going on since the days of alt.hindu. For a long 
time Ajay has rejected articles of mine which allegedly contained personal 
attacks. Admittedly, he was correct on one or two occasions. But the vast 
majority of times his rejection completely surprised me. I would often write 
back, explaining what it was in my posting that he construed as a personal 
attack, but I would get no response (I also know that the same thing happened 
to several other netters). 

On the other hand, Ajay has never been too concerned about the personal 
attacks made against me on SRH. This culminated in a remark made by Bon 
Giovanni on the "Milk for Ganesha" thread wherein he stated that I was "a 
complete ass." Anyone with a meagre amount of intelligence could tell from the 
 context who he was referring to. And yet, Ajay insisted that he saw no 
personal attack there, even after I laboriously explained to him that it most 
certainly was. He then informed me that personal attacks come in "X is a Y" 
form, and for that reason he approved Bon's post. I gave up at that point, 
satisfied at least that he came up with a consistent definition of a personal 

But more recently, he displayed his inconsistency again by throwing away his 
own definition. One of my responses on this thread "Animal killing...." was 
sent back to me with a note saying that some of my remarks *could* be 
construed as personal attacks. Not feeling the desire to rewrite the whole 
thing, I wrote back, pointing out to him that there was nothing in my response 
in the "X is a Y" form and that he therefore *had* to post it, according to 
his own standards of what is and is not a personal attack. I also pointed out 
that Ramakrishnan's remarks on the same thread were also offensive, but he 
nevertheless allowed them to be posted. However, not feeling compelled to 
follow his own dictates, Ajay rejected my posting anyway.

Personally, I really don't care if someone chooses to offend me personally. I 
can take that sort of thing. What I cannot stand is when a great acharya is 
blasphemed by some arrogant upstart who can't even put together a coherent 
argument. A Vaishnava is supposed to be meek and humble, and yet he has to be 
highly intolerant towards any blasphemy directed against the Lord or His pure 
devotees. Ramakrishnan might argue that I have been similarly offensive to 
Sankaracharya, but if you take a look at the archives of my previous postings 
(assuming Ajay ever gets his act together and finishes it) you will see that I 
have never spoken out against Sankaracharya the person. I can't, since we 
Gaudiyas understand him to be Shiva. Nor have I blasphemed those persons who 
are sincerely following his philosophy. If an advaitin wants to believe he is 
God, then avoids female association, goes into the forest, and does severe 
tapasya, then he will get my respect, since that is what Sankaracharya 
would have wanted. It may be misguided from my perspective, but it is at least 
worthy of some respect.

On the other hand, I have and will always continue to challenge all those 
so-called advaitins who preach oneness philosophy while simultaneously 
engaging in, and sanctioning materialistic behavior. It is a fact that Hindu 
culture is becoming corrupted by advaitin yogis who tell everyone that they 
are God but fail to inform them that they have to do tapasya. The result is 
that Hindu culture these days simply means making material advancement on the 
plea that we can become God in this way. I don't regard it as blasphemy to 
challenge such so-called spiritualists. If they have a problem with me putting 
their theories to the sword, it most likely has to do with the fact that I 
have exposed their materialistic world-view. Even Jaladhar Vyas, himself an 
advaitin, publicly criticized certain groups like Chinmaya mission and 
Vivekananda Vedanta Society for this very same reason (if you don't believe 
me, check the 1994 alt.hindu archives, near the early part of the 
"superstitions" thread).

>It's not the first time you have indulged in personal attacks. I can remember
>your post with Ken's name on it "Move over aachaaryas ..." which was a 
>violation of netiquette.

It was a sarcastic posting, designed to point out that Ken was feigning 
acceptance of the teachings of the acharyas (like Madhva, Caitanya, Ramanuja) 
while flagrantly contradicting them with his own pet theories. If you had read 
the context, you would have seen that. And if you really were as good-humoured 
as you claimed, then you probably would have laughed as well.

I have certainly attacked dvaitic doctrines, and
>lots of times if not always, in a sarcastic tone. In fact, I just did that 
>again. You could do the same with Advaitaa. Believe it or not, I'll join your

I will take this as encouragement to repost my response, only this time on 
another newsgroup... maybe soc.religion.eastern or soc.culture.indian.

-- HKS

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