
Re: ISKCON -- Please help with these terms

dkoch@sas.upenn.edu (Dave Koch) wrote:

>Please help me to define these terms that relate to the ISKCON (Hare
>Krishna) movement.  I realize that there is a clear distinction between
>Hindu and ISKCON, but since there is no Hare Krishna newsgroup I thought
>that some people here might be knowledgeable about the Krishna Conciseness
>movement.  Since I donšt regularly read this group, pleas e-mail your
>responses directly to me.

The following responses are kind of tounge-in-cheek, but also reflects some of
the posts which have appeared on srh and ah.

>avatar (avatara)

Any avatara of Vishnu=krishna. Any other avataara was sent by Vishnu to mislead
people (especially people like me).

>Bhagavat Purana

THE saatvic puraana. Any other puraana is saatvic when it praises Vishnu, or
someone introduced spurious verses into them once in a while showing that Vishnu
worshiped Shiva. Shiva puraana is ofcourse for hedonists who will rot later in
the planet of the faithless.

>Bhagavad Gita

The song divine. The one and only interpretation to consult is ISKCON's. No one
else knows anything. Infact, scholars have come across a new copy of the Paadma
puraana which has a verse showing the superiority of ISKCON's Gita translation
to all other translations.


I presume you want to know about bhakthi. bhakthi=worship of Krishna.
Worshiping any other demigods will make grass sprout from your ears.


=krishna ofcourse. Any verses from anywhere telling something like
rudra=brahman must be dismissed. This will then make everything thoroughly
consistent. There is no logic in this procedure, but people who point this out
are indulging in chest beating. So don't you dare do any such thing.


=Vishnu commonly. Also useful for starting threads with titles like "Jagannatha
refers to who?".


There are two types, good and bad Karmas. Good karma=agreeing with ISKCON. Any
thing else is baaaad karma.


A concept introduced by Advaitins. The fallacy of this system is ofcourse well
known. Hence, intelligent people don't spend too much time listening to Advaita.


A person who provides imaginative translations of Hindu scriptures.

>prasadam (prasad, prasada)

Any thing supplied by ISKCON.


A deluded person.

>Vaishnavite (Vaishnava, Vaishnavism)

THE true religion. Dismissing verses in scriptures which don't say that
Vaishnavism is THE religion, makes Vaishnavism the pinnacle of logical
achievement and consistency.

>Vedanta Society

An abominable society which actually dares to spout views which ISKCON doesn't
agree with. Founded by a hedonist.


A hedonist who was half maayaavadi and half shuunya vaadi. He ate meat (gasp).
Founded the Vedanta society. Present location - planet of the faithless.

Sitting quietly doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.


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