
The Hare Krishna Maha-manthra

I got this response from Sri Eswar Josyla on the above subject,
in response to my post on a prv thread. I think this will be
of interest to many others. i am posting therefore with permission.

From:	josyule@ind3.fim.wpafb.af.mil (Eswar Josyula)
Date:	Fri, 2 Feb 1996 16:30:48 -0500
Message-Id: <199602022130.QAA22601@ind3.fim.wpafb.af.mil>

GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote on SRH:

Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Subject: Re: Hare Krishna Mahamantra

>Thanks for posting this. when i watched Hare Krishnas chanting this,
>i always had a feeling that i heard in south india the other way, 
>that is, with Hare Raama coming first. May be i was not in error.
>just a curiosity question, but without intention to initiate
>hindi-no-hindi debate, is there a way to communicate this Hare
>krishna  mahaa manthra in hindi  (non just in devanagari/sanskrit 
>etc. my understanding is  that even though hindi uses devanaagari,
>the pronounciation is different in hindi), without making errors?
>In another thread on why manthras should not be conveyed over
>internet, but should be obtained from  a guru, the importance
>of exact and correct recitation was emphasised.
>Now, my understanding is that, in hindi, Raama becomes Raam,
>and Krishna becomes Krishn. And the influence of hindi can
>be seen in the  chaning of the manthra by many devotees/singers.

A very scientific question, indeed!  In Gaudiya Vaisnavism, it is taught
that one follows in the footsteps of the previous acaryas to advance in
spiritual life. Then there is no confusion on how to pronounce the words
of the Mahamantra.  

As for hindi, it is spoken differently in different parts of India.  So
it is hard to comment on it.  Some devotees pronounce the names
of Rama and Krishna the way you cited above commensurate with the kind
of loving relationship they are having with Rama or Krishna.  This is
similar to how sometimes we address our children in a loving manner
slightly different from their actual names. Sanskrit pronounciation
can be considered the standard for everyone, though.  However, listening
to the Mahamantra from the lips of devotees gives immediate spiritual
benefit to the listener!


-Eswar Josyula

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