Re: Angels in Hindu Religion
> psagdeo@aol.com (Psagdeo) writes:
> I am wondering if there is a concept of an Angel (Deva Doota?) in our
> religion. The christians, muslims and others seem to have it. Is there
> an equivalent in the Hindu religion and if so, are there any stories
> associated with them?
Dear Psagdeo,
As far as I have known, there are no such things as Angels in Hinduism. Remember in the Gita, the
Lord says that he is everywhere and in everyone? So if he is everywhere, why is there a need for
Angel? This is exactly what i dont understand about christianity and Islam. They profess that God is
almighty and can do anything but yet they keep mentioning about Angels that help him. On one hand
they say he all powerful and on the other (in regards to Angels) they present a picture that he like a
handicap person who needs nurses to help him walk!
In Hinduism, God is one and universal. He is all and none. He is the Paranatman (Universal Soul) and
therefore does need such crutches as Angels.
With Regards,