
Re: Problems in Advaita

In article <4gj7an$hks@babbage.ece.uc.edu> gopal@ecf.toronto.edu (GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana) writes:
> In article <4gd7i7$qjj@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
> Sankar Jayanarayanan  <kartik@Eng.Auburn.EDU> wrote:
> advitha does not say *everything* is unreal. it says there is *one*
> thing with certain qualities, and that every thing that *appears* to be
> separate from that *one* thing is due to  illusion.
> one of the qualities of that *one* thing  is chith (awareness or 
> knowledge). 

In fact, the philosophical position you have just stated
is that of Visistadvaita, which literally means Non-duality
of the Single Entity who is qualified by attributes.

Advaita states that there is only one entity, and that
entity is pure, undifferentiated consciousness, without
*any* distinct attributes whatsoever.  Anything perceived
as having an attribute is in the realm of the false.


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