
Re: Intro to Advaita-suggestions requested

sgopalan@cadesm98.eng.utah.edu (Srikanth Gopalan) wrote:

>The discussions on Advaita in this newgroup go way over my head. What
>is a good intro. level book on the subject? Any suggestions will be
>greatly appreciated.
>-Srikanth Gopalan

Hi Srikanth,

If you want only one book, I would recommend unreservedly the

Vedanta Treatise by A. Parthasarathy

He studied all the essential scriptures for many years and distilled
the essence into this offering, which also uses modern metaphors and
references to such as Shakespeare to aid in understanding.

The one slight drawback is that you may find it difficult to obtain
outside of India. However, if you write to Vedanta Life Institute, 1A
Landsend, Dongarsi Road, Malabar Hill, Bombay 400 006, India, they
will probably provide you with an address.


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