The Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Dear Rajaji:
In the name of the Almighty God, I will share my impressions with you.
Chapter 1
This is probably the easiest chapter. It would be sufficient to point
out a few things here, about how in the modern world, the meanings of
some words have changed.
1. 'aparyApta' (1.10) in modern meaning appears to be opposite to what
seems to be the logical meaning here. Duryodhana must have used the word
to mean "aparimita", since, he had the a much bigger army.
2. 'kripA' (1.27) in the SBG appears to mean 'self-pity' rather than its
modern meaning 'dayA or karuNA'.
At Arjuna's request, Sri Krishna brings him to see some special Kurus,
ones whom Arjuna respected (1.25). He did not bring him near where
Duryodhana and others were stationed. This is noteworthy, and could
have determined whether or not He would have taught the Gita.
Arjuna suffered a physical reaction from the upsurging kripA and said
some interesting things that brings us to chapter 2.
Chapter 2
This is important. Sri Krishna rebukes Arjuna (2.2) for saying things
that were "unseemly for an arya" (anAryajushtaM). "anti-heaven"
(asvargyaM) and generally "infamable" (akIrtikaraM). These are strong
statements. Why did He say all these?
The first and third comments are related, Sri Krishna appears to be
reminding Arjuna that he was not behaving like a valiant kshatriya, a
role expected of him from his society.
The second comment appears to address to Arjuna's interpretation of moral
values, as he rationalizes his arguments to forego his duties to the
society. Perhaps Sri Krishna wants to remind Arjuna that deeds, but not
moral posturings is expected of him. As we will see later, heaven is not
salvation, so why did He talk about heaven to Arjuna? It is likely that
He was referring to the prevalent ideas in the society at that time, such
as, a kshatriya must fight valiantly, and upon death, desire heaven.
More later...
With best regards,