
Did Buddha believe in God?!

Does this have anything to do with "hindu"ism? I don't know,but anyway,here's what I found----

"Bear always in mind what it is that I have not elucidated, and what it is that I have
 elucidated. And what have I not elucidated? I have not elucidated that the world is
 eternal; I have not elucidated that the world is not eternal; ... I have not elucidated that
 the soul and the body are identical; I have not elucidated that the monk who has
 attained (the arahat) exists after death; I have not elucidated that the arahat does not
 exist after death; ... I have not elucidated that the arahat neither exists nor does not
 exist after death. And why have I not elucidated this? Because this profits not, nor has
 to do with the fundamentals of religion; therefore I have not elucidated this.

And what have I elucidated? Misery have I elucidated; the origin of misery have I
 elucidated; the cessation of misery have I elucidated; and the path leading to the
 cessation of misery have I elucidated. And why have I elucidated this? Because this
 does profit, has to do with the fundamentals of religion, and tends to absence of
 passion, to knowledge, supreme wisdom, and Nirvana."  

						 -The Buddha


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