Re: Sai baba and God
edfong@pc.jaring.my (Eddy Fong Choong Ee) wrote:
>susarla.krishna@studentserver1.swmed.edu (Hari Krishna Susarla) wrote:
>>I am very ignorant and I don't know who God is, but I hear there are many
>>people on this newsgroup who claim that they are God.
>God is the paramatma/atma that is each of us. That we do not realise this is
>due the prison of opinions, fixed views and other limitations that we have
>placed upon ourselves. We are like the prince who is suffering from amnesia,
>forgotten his heritage and is moving on the streets as a pauper.
Excellent description.
>The human objective is to recognise this matter which the scriptures proclaim
>and act on it.Repentance and surrender (i.e. recognising the fallibility of the
>ego) is the the necessary first step towards remembering our true identity.
An even better description of the solution.
>>I humbly request that if such a person is reading this message, could he use
>>his mystic powers to generate $80,000 to finance my medical education? I am
>>asking because the interest on the loans I am taking out are killing me.
>>Surely God will be compassionate.
>No problem. But it is said that "God helps those who help themselves". The
>compassion of God is like sunshine. If you want it, you cannot stay in an air-
>conditioned room and complain that the Sun is not shining on you. However, mystic
>powers are not to be simply used just to prove a point or for enriching oneself
>Doing so is a sign of waywardness and very "ungodly".
Cool. Way to go!
>So if you want God's compassion, you have to make some effort on your part to
>go out into the sunshine. In the context of your request, it is not very difficult;
>just carry out the following (some minor and easy tapas) for 49 consecutive
[Description of tapas snipped and ROTFL]
>After you have carried out the above, the money will come from the most
>unexpected sources. The interest on your loans will also no longer be killing
>you. In fact you will be very healthy and look forward to paying the interest.
[more ROTFL]
>If you have any problems,just meditate deeply for 1 hour on the problem. I (the
>paramatma/atma) will give you an answer to the problem telephatically. But
>don't blame me if you fail to carry out the above to the letter.
[ROTFL and almost unable to type]
This post was just too much. Eddy Fong, a request : Could you post more often
to srh?
Sitting quietly doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.