
Give it up : Reorganisation

For all those who want to Re-organise the hindu newsgroups go ahead.

But once you do, be mature.
Look at the case of soc.religion.vaishnav. This implies that soc.religion.hindu
was not what they were a part of, else it would be soc.religion.hindu.vaishnav.
Anyway, they got s.r.v BUT they still hang around s.r.h posting their little 
posts about the Gita being the be all and end all of vedic literature.
Great. I'll just go and throw away my Vedas collection shall I.
Then you get peoeple that argue about Vishnu being the greatest etc. That Shiva
is meditating on him etc. Brilliant. Now if we can just get this great 
revelation out to the French Government, then maybe they'll stop testing 
Nuclear Bombs in the Pacific (the last count was estimated at 4 atomic tests).
And of course we get those people now that are arguing that Krishna is the 
greatest of all whatever you want to call them things. Well, if he was, why 
didn't he sort out the world in one easy swoop giving us all great 
intelligence. A flaw in every religion that claims to be the truth. If their 
God is so powerful, why not sort us out pronto, why not just kill us all. 
Post as much as you like, the real truth is that if you want someone to 
realise Krishna, you'd better sort out yourselves first.
If anyone looked into these groups they'd conclude that the hindu dharma isnt 
as organised or calm as it appears. Pointless bickering about whose Gits is 
the authentic one. These things have occurred over time. Any intelligent 
person can see that the Gita As it Is by ISKCON is just a plug for Krishna. 
Its not really a good picture of what Vedic literature is. As for which 
version is authentic, I have no idea, I wasn't there when it was spoken. All 
I can do is read as many as possible and relax into the one I feel suits me. 
After all, what other purpose is there for so many versions other than to suit 
Then we have this Aryan debate. I consider myself as a foolish participant in 
this debate.  I kinda woke up to the truth when people posted with notes 
showing their belief in the Aryan Race theory. I then gave up and just stayed 
content with the idea of creating a resource of information rather than trying 
to force it onto anyone. 
And finally the case where the Internet was considered to be full of academics.
*&$(&it to that. Unless of course most of the posters to these groups are BRAIN
WASHED into their own little ways and are adamant that their way is the truth. 
I thought one of the good things about Sanatana Dharma was that it let you form
your own opinions from the vast literature that it encompasses. Why then should
I be forced to listen to some brainwashed fool telling me that their God is the
supreme and that some person from far back in history wasnt actually a 
person but a god. Like the all powerful god would actually come to earth. Why? 
are we the most important race in the universes that we desire personal 
attention. Why not just ZZAP the evil doers into nothingness instead of lifting
mountains on little fingers? 

When a Christian knocks on your door saying that Jesus was the son of god, most
of us would laugh and consider that person a fool. Why do we not look at 
ourselves the same way?
Post as many replies to this as you desire. The more the merrier. There are 
references in here to vaishnavs (I am one myself...to an extent) that will 
cause them to feel the need to justify themselves or pinpoint inaccuracies etc.
All i ask is that you grow up, write about more important things, and c
oncentrate more on an overall picture rather than a little space, as if you 
made everything the same, we'd become as boring and unproductive as the rest 
of the world.
Flame as you will....that is your (god/*) given right. *(insert your prefered 
godly name here)

Savio			savio@cs.man.ac.uk

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