Re: Give it up : Reorganisation
Savio (savio@cs.man.ac.uk) wrote:
: But once you do, be mature.
: Great. I'll just go and throw away my Vedas collection shall I.
: Post as much as you like, the real truth is that if you want someone to
: realise Krishna, you'd better sort out yourselves first.
: And finally the case where the Internet was considered to be full of
: academics. *&$(&it to that. Unless of course most of the posters to
: these groups are BRAIN WASHED into their own little ways and are
: adamant that their way is the truth.
: I thought one of the good things about Sanatana Dharma was that it let you
: form your own opinions from the vast literature that it encompasses.
: Why then should I be forced to listen to some brainwashed fool telling
: me that their God is the supreme and that some person from far back in
: history wasnt actually a person but a god. Like the all powerful god
: would actually come to earth. Why?
Dear Sri Savio:
Thank you for the wake-up call. For our sake, please have patience.
I recognize your pain as you bare your feelings before us, and your disgust
in the show of disagreement that we put forward here. But we are not
clowns, nor are we academicians. We simply share our impressions as we
read the Scriptures here.
Although it is not immediately evident here, we too are looking for
answers to questions like, what is this God-thing we are supposed to go
for? Why is God desirable? What does it mean by the statement: God is
known by Self-realization. What is Self-realization? I invite you to
ponder over this, and if you so like, share with us what your read in
the Scriptures.
With best regards,