Re: Atmaa : Do I have one ?
Roy Raja (rajaroy@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
: This is what I have been thinking about. Who am I, or Why am I.
: According to Sankhya, there are two fundamental things in universe :
: Purush and Prakriti. Prakriti goes through transformation when universe
: comes into being, but Purush remains unchanged. However since Prakriti
: is inanimate, it can not go through transformation on its own, but it
: happens due to the presence of Purush.
Dear Rajaji:
So you prefer to start with Samkhya. Samkhya will not satisfy you. You
will have to discover for yourself how the old Samkhya of Purusha and its
Prakriti impression is blended in the SBG with yoga, and then becomes
able to answer questions like you have.
With best regards,