
Re: marriage

Vijay Sadananda Pai (vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu) wrote:
: In article <4f0v47$svu@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: atsuman <an462866@anon.penet.fi> wrote:
: >I have a question on Marriage. I've recently fallen in love. With My mother's
: >brother's wifes younger sister. (My Aunt's younger sister).. We have no real blood in
: >common. Is a marriage between us possible? If it is not, then I do not want to
: >endager her and won't ask. Could someone please tell me if it is possible, By
: >relgious law.. and if it is possible by Indian law.

: Of course it is possible -- there seems to be no relation at all
: between you, right? The only religious prohibition for some sects &
: castes _might_ be if you are from the same rishi-kula gotra then you
: can't marry, and as far as I can tell, this isn't enforced these days
: anyway (and perhaps never was, who knows).

: -- Vijay

Two points:

1. The idea of checking gotras and kula has been done to 
   ensure that no inbreeding occurs. I am sure that the 
   netters will be aware of the consequences. Also, there
   are certain guidlines in a lot of communities (esp. in
   N. India) that the marriage is undesirable if there is
   a DIRECT linkage between the proposed groom and the bride
   to the extent of last 5 and 7 generations of mother's and
   father's side respectively.

2. I am not sure as to how the above directive fits into the
   scenario as discussed above. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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