Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned
In article <4f93d6$d25@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Giri <gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu> wrote [speaking of opinions
held by some on alt.meditation]:
>2. According to Shrimad Bhagavatam by Srila Prabhupada, Jesus was an
>incarnation of Krishna [not vishnu].
Whoever wrote this has clearly not read Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavatam
edition; the very first page of each edition I have ever seen says
very clearly "Srimad Bhagavatam of Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa" and has
underneath that some pithy saying from the Bhagavatam such as
"kRShNe sva-dhaamopaagate | dharma-JNaanaadibhiH saha ||
kalau naShTa drSham eSha | puraaNaarko dhunodhitaH"
Anyone who thought the Bhaagavatam was by Prabhupada has clearly not
read the material.
The same applies for anyone who claims that Prabhupada referred to Jesus
as an incarnation of Krishna; if they want to make a claim, they should
provide a reference.
> I know ISKCON is not responsible for the views of its members and
>I am not even sure whether they belong to ISKCON
I have no idea who said such things on alt.meditation, but it clearly
wasn't anyone who has read Prabhupada's books; it is, in all likelihood, a
case of "name-dropping", where they heard it from someone who heard it
from someone else, etc, that a famous Indian guru named Prabhupada said
such-and-such; I have seen other statements attributed (without reference)
to Srila Prabhupada (and other gurus whom I respect) on the Indian
newsgroups in the past.
Incidentally, a while ago, some guy with a GNN account was shouting on
SCI about how Sai Baba had predicted a stock-market-crash in Tokyo
at the beginning of 1996 -- certainly you don't consider that statement
representative of Sai Baba followers, do you?
>except that they say
>*only* the path of worshipping krishna is correct and they quote from
>Srila Prabhupada.
And, of course, this doesn't prove that they are ISKCON members; case
in point: me -- I do the same things and am not an ISKCON member.
> I haven't questioned them on alt.meditation on this, since they
>are on a right path [of worshipping Lord Vishnu], but not neccessarily right
>on saying that only their path is their correct path.
If you _had_ questioned them, you might have been able to find out if
they were actually ISKCON members. After all, we must be careful not
to jump to conclusions; I have seen you sign off on SRH within the
past month with the phrase "Hare Krishna" but I'm reasonably sure
you're not an ISKCON member :)
-- Vijay