Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned
vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu (Vijay Sadananda Pai) writes:
>In article <4f93d6$d25@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
>Giri <gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu> wrote [speaking of opinions
>held by some on alt.meditation]:
>>2. According to Shrimad Bhagavatam by Srila Prabhupada, Jesus was an
>>incarnation of Krishna [not vishnu].
>Whoever wrote this has clearly not read Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavatam
>edition; the very first page of each edition I have ever seen says
>very clearly "Srimad Bhagavatam of Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa" and has
>underneath that some pithy saying from the Bhagavatam such as
Sorry, I meant to say 'According to Shrimad Bhagavatam translated
by Srila Prabhupada...'
When I say 'upanisads' by Nikhilananda, I don't mean upanishhads
written by Nikhilananda, but of course, translated by nikhilananda.
However, i should have been clear. sorry.
>The same applies for anyone who claims that Prabhupada referred to Jesus
>as an incarnation of Krishna; if they want to make a claim, they should
>provide a reference.
here is a section from his posting on alt.meditation titled 'bhakti'.
It was posted in December. I am sure you can get it DejaNews etc.
Krishna and Yas'aa (Yas'hua, Jesus) are One. Srila Prabhupada specifically said
of Christ 'He is our guru' and that His body was transcendental. This is becaus
He recognized Him as the Only Begotten Son of God (Vedic Knowledge, the Word,
Brahma, the first and the last) as is written:
Srimad Bhagavatam specifically calls Christ by name in the last mentioned Incarn
of the Lord (First Canto, 3rd Chapter verse 25):
"...become the Son of Visnu Yas'aa (prounounced Yas'hua, identically the given
Aramaic name of Jesus) ..". Which, when transliterated becomes : "Son of God Je
Also, Collosians 1:15-24 specifically says of Christ that He is the Image of the
Invisible God, the Firstborn of all creation, .. and in Him all things were made
Hence He is identically known as Brahma, the original living being, master Archi
and Begotten offspring (Son) of God. Also the First Incarnation and the Last.
On the Oneness of Christ Jesus with the Father and the Holy SPirit, you need onl
>> I know ISKCON is not responsible for the views of its members and
>>I am not even sure whether they belong to ISKCON
>I have no idea who said such things on alt.meditation, but it clearly
>wasn't anyone who has read Prabhupada's books; it is, in all likelihood, a
>case of "name-dropping", where they heard it from someone who heard it
>from someone else, etc, that a famous Indian guru named Prabhupada said
>such-and-such; I have seen other statements attributed (without reference)
>to Srila Prabhupada (and other gurus whom I respect) on the Indian
>newsgroups in the past.
>Incidentally, a while ago, some guy with a GNN account was shouting on
>SCI about how Sai Baba had predicted a stock-market-crash in Tokyo
>at the beginning of 1996 -- certainly you don't consider that statement
>representative of Sai Baba followers, do you?
>>except that they say
>>*only* the path of worshipping krishna is correct and they quote from
>>Srila Prabhupada.
>And, of course, this doesn't prove that they are ISKCON members; case
>in point: me -- I do the same things and am not an ISKCON member.
>> I haven't questioned them on alt.meditation on this, since they
>>are on a right path [of worshipping Lord Vishnu], but not neccessarily right
>>on saying that only their path is their correct path.
>If you _had_ questioned them, you might have been able to find out if
>they were actually ISKCON members. After all, we must be careful not
>to jump to conclusions; I have seen you sign off on SRH within the
>past month with the phrase "Hare Krishna" but I'm reasonably sure
>you're not an ISKCON member :)
>-- Vijay
I did not jump to any conclusion. I clearly say that I am not sure
whether they are ISKCON members or not. If you refer to my above sentence,
'>I am not even sure whether they belong to ISKCON ....'. Basically,
I was saying that I don't know wther they were just name-dropping or
whether they actually belonged to ISKCON.
Sure, I have signed off with "hare krsna" It is not copyrighted
is it :-)
{I don't speak for anyone, much less myself}
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Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithya, Jivo Brahmaiva Na Parah. - Shankara
'I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details' -- Albert Einstein