
Re: Atman and Jiva

: rajaroy@ecf.toronto.edu (Roy Raja) asked:
: Then of course I don't have the same atmaa all
: the time. So basically, it is quite meaningless to have an atmaa.

Roy,  perhaps the atma's position can pictured like this:

      God  ----------  Devotion  ----------  atma               :-)

The jiva is the atma and devotion eternally.  In our true identities in
the Kingdom of God, atma and devotion are constantly aligned, pointing
exactly to the Primal Lord.  This is the perfectional state of the jiva
soul. Two of these points on the line must be exact to define the third
and achieve perfection.  The process of using the points to achieve
perfect alignment is the only purpose of life. 

     God  -----\                                      [atma]        :-(
                         Devotion ------\
                                          \-------  Temporary Karmic body

Without God and constant devotion aligned perfectly in place, the jiva has
faulty direction and instead of pointing to the eternal atma it identifies
falsely with a temporary material body born from its karma. For this
model, karma is the measure of misalignment to the true atma identity,
which itself is a measure of how off-target the devotional aspect of the
jiva's existence is.  Hence, with no devotion: a doggish birth with no
chance of finding the atma;   but with devotion close to the continuous
perfectional point on the divine line:  a saintly birth close to the atma
and far from the miseries of mundane existence. 

      God  ----------  Devotion  ----------  atma                :-)

The Vedas are filled with procedures (yoga, tapasya etc.) to help fine
tune each of the three points on the jiva line.  The guru, who is
perfectly aligned, assists in perfecting the devotional and atma
components of the jiva equation while helping to point to God. 

Krsna's causeless mercy:  getting an exact piece of the puzzle makes
the final adjustments to the other jiva line points. AND here we are, 
all lined up again with our dear Lord.    O:-)

THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason .... www.bhi90210.com/Athens/2108
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me.  I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction.  Do not fear."  --  God, Bhagavad-gita

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