
SAttvik diet

gopal@ecf.toronto.edu (GOPAL  Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana) wrote:

(Concerns about sattvik diet deleted)

Dear Gopalji:

Thank you for raising the issue.  Firstly, sAttvik diet is not 
vegetarian diet, it is merely pleasant and easily digestible food.  
Perhaps, most vegetarian dishes will qualify as sAttvik, but going by 
the SBG, there is no reason to restrict the term to vegetarian foods.

You chief concern is unnecessary, the truth is, if you look at 
individual genes, whether in plants, or in animals, they are extremely 
similar as DNA or as proteins.  Science has not come up with a 
convincing answer to the riddle " then why is a plant not an animal?"  
Until that issue is settled, the fuss over animal genes in plant body is 
not meaningful.

With best regards,


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