
Re: Question on Geeta

Ravishanker_Nandiwada <rnandiwa@research.westlaw.com> wrote:

>In both the above slokas the two statements relating to the moon appear 
>to be scientifically incorrect.
>1. I am the moon among stars:  We all know that moon is not a star.
>2. Moon supplying juice of life to vegetables: We also know that in 
>the case of most vegetables, sun supplies more "juice of life".
>How can Lord Krshna state incorrectly? Can anyone clarify this issue?

IMHO, the statements about moon, stars etc are all merely arthavada and merely
reflects the prejudices of those days. The more important thing is that Krishna
is alone supreme, which he is conveying by saying that He is "the best" in
different classes of things.

Trying to glean "scientific" facts from puraaNas and ithihaasas won't get us
anywhere. For ex, the geography of India is horribly incorrect in many of the
puraaNas I have read. 


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