
Ramanuja on Gita(3.42)

I came across a book on Vishishtadvaita, titled "Vishishtadvaita Vedanta- a 
study", authored by Arvind Sharma. This I have gathered from the book----

On the commentary on Gita(3.42),

"The senses, they say, are great, greater than than the senses is the mind, 
greater than the mind is intelligence but greater than intelligence is HE."

Sankara interprets "HE" as the "Atman".
Ramanuja interprets "HE" as "Kama"!!!!!

[The author does point out that it runs parallel to an identical verse from the 
Katha U.,(3.10)"Higher than the senses are the objects of sense, and higher 
than the objects of sense is the mind, and higher than reason is the Self".]

Ramanuja argues that the "HE" _must_ refer to lust because the grammatical
context is such! 
For Gita(3.41) goes, "..destroy this[lust] by regulating the senses..."

Otto Schrader says,"Which by the way(Ramanuja's interpretation) is the only
correct view...because according to Gita(3.40), the Evil One can penetrate
only so far as the Buddhi, and according to (3.43), kama can be successfully
combated only by one who is "beyond buddhi", that is, the Atman."

Sri Vedantadesika of course, defends Ramanuja.

The author too agrees with Ramanuja, since the verses before (3.42) indicate
that what is being talked about is lust.

He adds another explanation,"In a purely psychological way this interpretation
makes sense if we regard desire as preceding action, and as constituting the
basis. Then it could be said that from desire proceed thoughts in the Buddhi,
which filter to the lower mind, Manas, and activate the senses, indriyas. Thus a
psychological rather than a metaphysical interpretation is not totally 
lacking in cogency..."

and again,"...Ramanuja's later glosses in the chapter show that he continues to
regard Kama in negative terms, which throws us back to the psychological 


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