Advertisement(Was: Re: Problems in Advaita)
To those who have not read the Upadeshasahasri: Please do so. In my humble
opinion, only on reading it will it become clear that there are simply
NO problems in Advaita. As my friend said, even those who are against
Advaita have to accept that it is a work of genius. Shankara simply puts
forth argument after brilliant argument that at times, it is quite a strain on
the mind to follow him. But when someone does follow him, all doubts are
reduced to "sunya" :-).
Take for instance the dull and drab philosophical statement : "Every perception
needs a conscious perceiver."
Shankara dwells on it for just a moment, but just consider how beautifully
he transforms it into,"The sense objects such as sound, etc. are neither
perceived by themselves, nor are they perceived by each other. They are
perceived by something other than themselves. They are objects of perception,
and belong to the body...It(the perceiver = Atman) is different from them."
The above is an example of an ORDINARY statement from the Upadeshasahasri.
There are several beautiful arguments which would take up too much space here.
Just a last point I am not able to resist from making : one portion of
the Upadeshasahasri consists of philosophical arguments between a
pupil and a teacher. One of the questions the pupil has is,"I am one, He is
another; I am ignorant, I experience pleasure and pain, am a transmigrator...
He is not subject to transmigration. By worshipping Him...I wish to get out
of this transmigratory existence. How am I He?"
Also, Shankara makes it clear: only those who are religiously oriented should
read it; i.e, only someone who is already "on the path". He hasn't given any
reasons why it is so restricted, but I suppose this is to ensure that
the student does not study it for mere intellectual understanding.
To those who have read the Upadashasahasri: Hi, Advaitin!