Re: New site needs your point of view
Hari Krishna Susarla wrote:
> In article <4i5c1j$iog@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, the One, Omnipresent, Omniscient
> God, in the form of Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu>
> wrote:
> >>>The answer to Vivek's question should now be obvious. *Drum roll*,
> >>>*** crash of cymbals ***,
> >>>
> >>> "HE IS a VAISHNAVA, but NOT a HINDU".
> >>
> >>Aha, once again, you are wrong, err, I mean, we all are right:
> >
> >No, as in most cases I am right and you are wrong.
> >
> The One, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, in the form of Krishna Susarla
> --
Urm, what are we actually talking about fellas?
I just caught onto the above excerpt, that being vaishnav means you are
distinct to being hindu. Funny really, I always thought that Vishnu was a
Hindu God.
Or maybe Krishna wasnt a Hindu but a new breed, Vaishnav....Hmmm.
Savio savio@cs.man.ac.uk
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