Nirvan Nukchedee (bh611@freenet.carleton.ca) asked:
Why do we (hindus) worship idols if even the Vedas say that God is formless
Hindus do not worship idols. They worship God through images. It is
easier for beginners to meditate on God with form than to meditate on
formless God. Also not all commentators agree that Vedas say that God is
only formless. Sri Ramakrishna says that God is both with form and formless
(The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna translated by Swami Nikhilinanda).
Why not worship the creator directly instead of worshipping the creation??
Hindus worship the creator and not the creation. They worship the
God immanent within the creation.
Why does God 'come down' physically on earth when He is everything and one?
The answer is in the Gita. God incarnates to teach man about the
right path. If God will not teach then who will?
person cannot possibly encompass the whole of God (as well as being formless)?
What need is there for an Incarnation to encompass the whole of God?
Sri Ramakrishna discusses this issue in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. He
explains that the incarnation is like the udder of a cow (God). If you
understand and follow the teachings of the Incarnation (Avatar) then you will
get the milk of devotion and knowledge. Thus there is no need for the
Incarnation to encompass the whole of God. He also gives another analogy.
Normally there is a screen which prevents us from seeing the divine. The
Incarnation is like a hole in the screen which enables you to see a few
miles of the divine. You do not need to see the Infinite.
If you go through the Ramakrishna Kathamrita (English translation
is called "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna") you will be able to answer these
questions easily.
Hope this helps
Pradip Gangopadhyay