ChatuspAda Brahma (AUM)
Dear Friends:
AUM as we all know is chatuspAda, the first three pAdas are the A, U and
M and the fourth pAda is the ardhamAtrA. In a table that lists how the
four pAdas are split, I find the reference of brahmopanishad describing It
as brahmA, vishnu, rudra and akshara. Srimad Bhagavad, while describing
vyAshti creation describes the four pAdas as vishva, taijas, prAjna and
turIya (12.11.22). The mAndukya describes It as jAgrat, svapna,
sushhupti and amAtra.
This turIya is obviously the Atman, and the other three embedded into
creation. Sri SankarAchArya must have described the A,U and M as the
rajjusvapnavath, mithyA while upholding the primacy of akshara.
With best regards,