Re: A question on Geeta
In <4il6hr$8u0@babbage.ece.uc.edu> ranga@cs.umd.edu (M.Ranganathan)
>I have a theory for which I may be tried for blasphemy. The Gita,
>being beautiful, enlightening and inspiring is the work of an inspired
>Like all human works of literature (which includes the Bible, Quoran
>everything else that has ever been written), it has its pitfalls and
>No, I am not an atheist, nor a marxist, nor an agnostic. I am not
>delusioned or under the influence of control substances.
>Flame away or better yet - sue me.
Why should anyone sue you for being not receptive and not capable of
understanding the holy Scriptures? It will take you a few hundred
lifetimes to be able, even a little bit to comprehend the magnificent
depth of such a great work as the Gita or the Upanishads. But, until
then, I suggest you take Mark Twain's excellent advice. "Better to
remain silent and let people think you are stupid than to speak and
remove all doubt."
The absolutely only way to understand the Gita is to practice, as much
as you can, its precepts. Intellectual speculation is totally
Why not study what the great thinkers of both East and West say about
the Gita and just wonder if maybe such great men reverence the Gita as
a Divine Revelation, maybe there is something to it which you don't
"Fools disregard Me clad in human form." (Lord Krishna)
Good luck,