Re: Misinformation on Hinduism
In article <4io5du$k1p@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, sns <sns@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> I stumbled onto the IndiaMystica CD which has
>information about Hinduism. In it there were quite a
>few things which I found to be pretty misleading.
>I would like to get feedback and suggestions from the
>people on SRH on what can be done about it.
I bought this software recently for my friend's children
and right away I didn't like some of their material.
Like their "explanations" for why Hindus cremate their
dead or why Hindus revere cows. I don't remember the
details but I found unnecessary skirting around this and
that, quoting of scripture and eventually coming up with
weak arguments. Whereas commonsense explanations braced
with reason would have worked much better.
Nevertheless, I think that this is a very good first
iteration and if the producers of this CD-ROM are open to ideas
and suggestions they could make this into a first-rate
learning tool. I suggest that in addition to posting here,
you write to them (or call them). They are (I think) based
in Fremont, California.